ARCHIVE : this was the end

Mabou Mines and Restless NYC
ARCHIVE : this was the end
Conceived and Created by
Mallory Catlett & Keith Skretch
In collaboration with
G Lucas Crane
INSTALLATION HOURS|September 10 – 27, 2021
Visit anytime during the installation hours!
5-8pm on Friday 9/10 – Opening reception in 122 CC courtyard
2-5pm on Saturdays and Sundays
4-7pm on Mondays
– You can stay for as long as you like. Installation runs on a 45 minute loop.
Mabou Mines
150 First Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10009
*Kids are welcome!
CLICK HERE for Proof of Vaccination & COVID-19 Questionaire
At once an artifact and experience, the afterlife of a performance as interactive sculpture. Here, you are the actor, and a wall — salvaged from Mabou Mines old studio in the PS 122 Community Center — is the physical manifestation of a memory of a play, which your presence activates and disrupts. Sound and video portraits embedded and mapped onto the wall produce a reverse relief. What is far seems near and near, far. The past hypnotizes the present, denying its erasure, to remind us of a life before that continues.